In January 2025, the Trademarks Opposition Board (TMOB) is launching a pilot project under Section 45 of the Trademarks Act which involves the Registrar of Trademarks proactively sending notices to a limited number of trademark registrations to verify whether they are still in use. The goal is to remove inactive trademarks, promote fair competition and maintain the integrity of the system. Monthly batches of Section 45 notices will be issued to randomly selected trademark registrations that have been on the Register for over three years. If selected, registrants will need to provide evidence to show use of each of the goods and/or services listed in the registration for the three-year period preceding the date of the Section 45 Notice. The registration may be amended to remove goods and/or services that are not in use or cancelled if no satisfactory evidence is provided. Later in 2025, the Trademarks Office will evaluate if the pilot project will be continued.