by Method Law | Dec 11, 2023 | articles
Overview The 2018 amendments to the Canadian Trademarks Act (the “Act”) relating to official marks are expected to come into force in the near future. The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) published a draft practice notice outlining their proposal to...
by Method Law | Nov 30, 2023 | news
On January 1, 2024 the new definition for a “small entity” (which entitles a patentee to pay reduced fees) will be: (a) in respect of an application for a patent – other than a PCT national phase application or a divisional application – the applicant of the...
by Method Law | Nov 30, 2023 | news
Overview The majority of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office’s (CIPO) fees will be increased by about 25% and the definition of a “small entity” for patents has been expanded to include organizations that employ between 50-100 employees. The fee increase will...
by Method Law | Nov 16, 2023 | articles
Overview In Canada (AG) v. Benjamin Moore & Co. 2023 FCA 168, the Federal Court of Appeal rejected the test put forward by the lower court to determine the patentability of computer implemented inventions. The Court of Appeal did not put forward a new test or...
by Method Law | Nov 16, 2023 | articles
The use of clear and concise language is required when drafting claims for a Canadian patent application. Although imprecise terms should be avoided, “or” and “and/or” terms are (increasingly) included to avoid excess claim fees, working to reduce the total number of...